Terms & Conditions

F.I.L.O. Academy of swimming holds 5-week bookings. Our Classes are instructed by qualified staff and helpers, with pupils working towards the STA (Swimming Teachers Association) badge scheme. Swimming courses must be booked in advanced to keep hold of your bookings. If for any reason lessons are cancelled you will be credited for that lesson of which was cancelled, you will not be credited for any other absence except in exceptional circumstances, discretion of management. All medical conditions must be declared as well as any special requirements to learning, in order to deliver the best standard of teaching to cater to the pupils needs. Swimmers are to wear appropriate swim wear otherwise will not be able to take part in lessons. Please refrain from eating at least 2 hours before swimming and students cannot swim at least 48 hours after having sickness and diarrhoea. No Refunds are given only credit for lessons are given. If you no longer wish to swim with us, we do understand we don’t want to see you go, but please let us know so we can fill the space. As of APRIL 2021, you must stay at least 1 week ahead of payments to keep your place if this requirement is not met you will be taken off of the registers and may lose your place. Badges & certificates cost £3.50 and will be brought to the following lesson after payment. Memberships are £30 per year. PLEASE NOTE IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND YOUR LESSON YOU DO STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR THE SPACE. EXAMPLE IF YOU ARE ON HOLIDAY FOR A WEEK YOU WILL NEED TO PAYFOR THE WEEK FOR ARE NOT ATTENDING.